
Switch “men and mra “with black people and that’d be a racist statement

what would you do in your defense if it was found that youve hired more white people

trans people do trick people

caitlyn was a man for longer than rachels 20 years as white ,shes been black for the past 9 years no one wouldve known she was white if she wasnt outed

women still make less in these countries though

you can’t say there exist female and male brains and then say there isnt a binary

that hasnt been supported though , you’re basing that on one study that was done on under 200 people

youre getting your own ideology wrong , gender is and identity a social construct , sex is whats based in biology , hence why people are gender fluid and feel as though they change genders several times in a week

whos ever said gender is biological , i thought it was a construct

why is gender not a collective social phenomena in your opinion

they make less than men is statement that ignores men that arent white, they might make less than white men but so does everybody else

because people figure that since race is a social construct like gender you can change your racial identity like you can change your gender identity

some irish people havent been to ireland and also havent grown up in irish culture , so whats that make them ?

whats obvious? what make transgender more legitimate

nip slips are unintentional this was a selfie

what percentage experienced just rape, not attempted rape

you don’t speak for all black people

how is gender identity and racial identity different when both are social constructs

both race and gender are social constructions with some basis in biology , so why cant they be compared

some girls find it hard to get along with other women and find it difficult to become friends with them , my girlfriend has been trying really hard to find a friend but its not easy for her to find girls with substance