
so black men date fat white women because they are more approachable ? how is that not a generalization too?

We should just do away with culture and tradition then, stereotypes are largely based on culture and the customs of that culture,

there are cultures that are more accepting of bigger bodies and black culture and latino culture are both more accepting

its not a stereotype if shes basing it on her experience ? youre dumb

how else would you describe those eyes ?

so men are lions and women are weak little lambs , isnt this supposed to be a patriarchal stereotype

or not

“When a man wears a dress, it’s silly and fun because he’s forfeiting power” or maybe men just look silly in dresses

Its not out of the question buts it rarely ever happens

statistically speaking less than 1% of catcalling becomes physical or life threatening

so its only harassment when men do it , correct?

so men are inherently threatening to women

ok and “generally” catcalling doesnt put women in danger

If someone you worked with made you wet everyday at work you’d have a hard time ignoring that emotion at some point I’m sure

catcalling rarely ends in assault probably less than 1 percent , it also happens in crowded spaces more often than not in broad daylight , so not real danger

you expressed his/her point and he/she agrees with you so sarcastically he/she responded with fake outrage jezabel style

its not “but male veterans kill themselves too how can this be obscene” its more like “It took female veterans suicide rates to reach male veteran suicide rates for this to even get coverage”

you had access to a roof i bet

what do you mean sometimes more? men commit suicide at higher rates forget Attempted

to repeat another commenter “You are talking utter crap. Japan is one example - which you keep harping about. Every single Arab country - with even more rigid gender segregation - has a lower suicide rate. And Japan does not even make it to the top 5 - even both the Koreas do.