women and men? don’t you mean males and females ?
women and men? don’t you mean males and females ?
your putting the blame on maleness without any proof that this would be a cause , you’ve already decided what the problem was before attempting to figure it out
attempted suicide is a cry for help not the same as actually committing to the suicide , Maybe its not cause men use guns more , maybe its cause men are more committed to their suicides
“the military’s extremely male space and high incidence of sexual assaults probably plays a factor” or maybe ptsd or maybe the crazy shit you go through when at war like seeing death?I think those are bigger factors
hes only been accused of one rape though
he didnt do the face tatt he did the one on the left
but but but just because worse things are happening in africa that doesnt mean these arent real issues blahblah blah
they are feminist
feminism is too far gone to save at this point because what you brought up isnt spoken about enough, its been led by rich bratty young white women for way too long
the mostly female undergrads are also mostly white an most likely rich like their male counterparts
or not
delusional , she wants you to think “why would a girl go through so much if she wasn't actually raped” i actually believe her less after this
she didnt go through traumatic event
there are a lot more perks to being a woman than just free drinks
some women actually turned lesbian because they think of how ‘dumb guys are’
what if it is ? whats wrong with choosing ?
trust him when he says he’s more tired than you if you worked his job you wouldn’t want to do anything but sit down when you get home
but haven't gays and lesbians gotten the same gender role training?
trans women arent women either , they’re trans women males that identify as Woman , which is different from what a woman is which is an adult female
shut up women dont even get mad when referred to as females , thats just you and this Jez crowd