Elt Surnoir

Yeah, that's true. That was dumb. Maybe he has such an intricate web of accomplices through his criminal organization that they knew they could cover it up and he would get away with it. Just kidding. Yep, pretty dumb on his part.

Aha. You got me there. I didn't think of that.

So, do these reviewers actually get paid for this or are they just saying they're "professionals" when they really are not? If they do get paid, any idea how much?

Did you just call Oh Brother Where Art Thou a "screwball musical"? Are you kidding? That film is a masterpiece! It is by far one of my favorite of their films. I don't see how it's any more screwball than any of the other movies they've made. It's quirky and odd but so is everything they've done. They just happened to

Oh, also, when the two characters were talking to Nygaard in jail, they asked if Malvo was a name or a first name or last name or something like that. I don't remember definitely but I think that something like that was also mentioned in the movie at some point in regards to Lundergaard. Does anyone else remember

I seriously doubt that Lorne Malvo is his real name if the writers are as good as they seem to be and keep somehow connecting and relating everything in some way to the movie. The reason I say this is because in the movie Lundergaard used a fake name when he was at the hotel with the last name Anderson when the police