
Really hope González Iñárritu wins it, just because it would be so, so easy to turn that "continuous shot" concept into an annoying crutch but instead it works amazingly.

One of my biggest problems with the first-person shooter that's the standard today is how sterile and disconnected the actual act of movement is from anything resembling reality. I'm a borderline Mirror's Edge evangelist, and one of the major reasons why is that it constantly reminds you that you're a person running

Wow, did not expect this from the AV Club. The Bernie Mac show was one of the few that my whole family sat down to watch together, and his death had me unexpectedly emotional. Learning that Larry Wilmore was one of the main writers on this is interesting, because he was also one of the creators of the PJs, which was

I was talking about the novel.

One of my biggest complaints about the movie is that the book's ending reinforces and solidifies that melancholy tone, and the movie's ending doesn't.

As an aside, Alice in Chains are playing at halftime of this week's conference championship game, which I can only pray leads to 50,000 Seattleites growling "Them Bones" in unison.

Going on record as saying that Ilana was far and away better at physical comedy early in Season 1 is quickly becoming one of my most regrettable comments ever. They're both so fucking funny.

I used to be like "How the fuck can you find a anime character attractive? It's a fucking cartoon!" but then I learned to be honest with myself and accept how I feel about Chel and Lana Kane.

Yeah, watched it on Netflix for the first time since childhood and Tulio is absolutely receiving some (apparently phenomenal) head. No idea how that didn't seem even a little strange to me as a kid.

A while back I wrote that book was mostly entertaining but kinda drifted and didn't stick with me at all. I kinda feel the same way about the movie; Brolin was great and Wilson and Phoenix pretty good as well, but I still don't really understand the plot and just felt empty walking out the theater. Which might be the

PFT Commenter is the best thing ever. His MMBM columns are some of the funniest writing online, period.

Yeah, Rufus Wainwright's version is solid but doesn't compare to Cale's. Eventually I just found a rip of Cale's version online and put that on iTunes instead.

The Shrek soundtrack. I don't regret it at all and will defend it to the death.

This is such an awful take I actually laughed out loud. "Clemency and mercy?" Dude. Dude.

This response is so fucking dumb. Read what Austin wrote above about the message extradition would send to victims. I'm not debating this anymore.

Just answer this: you said that one of the three goals of the system is punishment. How does extraditing Polanski not work towards that goal?

Here's the entirety of Polanski's punishment for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl: 42 days in jail. You don't think extraditing him would help rectify that? He hasn't suffered any real harm to his finances or his career in the 35 years since it happened because he was rich and famous enough to leave the country

Hannah Storm and Rich Eisen's tributes are just brutal. Watching such veteran reporters barely hold it together as they spoke about Scott had me choked up. Eisen is linked above, but here's Storm's: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Kills me to admit it, but I'm moving in that direction myself. I really need to hear that Kanye/Rhianna/Ty Dolla $ign/McCarthy song to get my expectations up again.