
My iPhone 6 a couple years ago had the lightning port start failing on it so I did what any normal American would do! Got drunk and tried to fix it. Specifically I thought I could turn it into some kind of YouTube “Drunken Repairs” series. I tore the phone apart, replaced the part, put everything back together and

Still plugging along on my iPhone 6S plus, I have the feeling I’ll keep on using that thing until it finally pukes it’s guts up at some point in the future.

I have an iPhone 5, so.... Dear Diary, JACKPOT!

“new underpowered devices, like the iPhone SE”

“At least it was a fruit pie,” Bryant quipped before praying for Higgins, reportedly in tears.

certainly easy for me to say as a 53 yo cis male, but having specific memories of Anita Bryant’s crusade which would have BANNED GAYS FROM BEING TEACHERS among other horrific crap, does give me some feeling that things have improved. As bad as things are, in the very recent past, there was real “mainstream” debate

Someone photoshopped Mariah into a cross of Mariah and JLo...

Thank you for supplying the link to bisexual lighting, which is NOT, as I originally expected, just another way of describing how light is both a wave and a particle.

Well, that’s what people get for being overly pieous.

I mean, part of it is all that sex you’ve been having with her in in public.

Palm is betting that there are enough people out there who will be willing to pay $349 for the Verizon-exclusive device and $10 per month to add this onto their existing phone number.

Intelligent take on this.

yes, the same kind of wretched, lying human being who got Emmet Till killed.

Serious question. How do we square the idea that women don’t make false accusations and should be believed, with the fact that white women have used false accusations as weapons against black men, and black people generally throughout this country’s history?

When was the last time you read/saw something and didn’t immediately judge it to be substandard?  Is there anything that you just chuckle at and move on?  

This seems ok. I’m fine with it, because acting.

With this in mind, I think I Tilda Swinton was passed out drunk next to me on the train the other day.

So Lutz Evers Ford is really tilda swinton who is really thom yorke. So confusing. 

Cheese never sits long enough in my refrigerator to grow mold.