Elspeth Grey

"American distributor of Please Like Me and Fortitude Pivots away from the market"

Aw, now I'm depressed again because neither of the TWO NPR stations I can get have Diane Rehm

I actually really enjoy IV's C reviews, because he mixes those great one-liners with compelling descriptions like

Surprised to see comparisons of this to dystopian YA without mentioning The Giver, what with the whole "eliminating conflict by eliminating emotions" aspect.

This is another great piece of writing. I don't care about the movie, but great review.

I don't think I need anger management.

I've considered it, usually because of the good opinion of people on this site, but I genuinely cannot make myself do it. It's the only case of this kind of reaction I've ever had, but it is a very strong case.

I would defy you, but I'm such a fan of the miniseries and book that I categorically refuse to see the movie, so I will refrain from ill-informed defiance.

I would like to point out, as I did in a coming distractions for this, that now both Obi-Wans have starred in Le Carre adaptations.

Important question- is that the movie Tinker, Tailor or the original miniseries?

I'm not convinced that's an inaccurate depiction of the CIA.

It can be two things

It's really cute that you think people "almost always" believe the victim in a domestic violence case instead of trying to excuse it or make it the victim's fault.

I was trying to formulate a reply to the above comment, but you put it much better than I was going to.

It's working so well for traditional print newspapers!

Online gaming is MASSIVE in China. I expect that's a significant factor here.

You raise strong points, I must admit.

Yeah this has "Nicholas Sparks formula" written all over it, even without his involvement.

Continues to be a huge seller, even.