
Kevin, as a fellow educator in English (assistant professor here), I have to ask:

Pokemon isn’t glitchable because it was sloppily coded, per se.
It’s more that it’s glitchable because the GameBoy was primitive and highly limited, and they seriously pushed the limits cramming the entirety of Pokemon into a GameBoy cart.
They had mutltiple unrelated bits of information stored in the same lines of

It’s one guy making the game in his spare time away from work and family. It’s actually really fucking impressive that they present as well as they do.

I know for a fact he donates a LOT of money to charity too, and tries to do so somewhat anonymously. Class act.

If it seems soon, it’s because the episode actually unlocked yesterday on Steam. Played it last night, thought I would share thoughts on this moment today. Might throw up some thoughts on the rest of the episode later too, once people have a chance to play through that. (All of this happens within the first 15

Between the background and the murderous drivers, I can only conclude that this game takes place in Florida.

This is Halo we're talking about. "Cover" is not really a thing in that game. Halo is about out maneuvering your opponent while having better aim than him to track his own movements. It's a dance, not a realistic firefight.

Gimme those balls filled with warm milky cream!


I think the issue we're all overseeing is the technical hoops they're attempting to jump through to get people connected to play. We're talking about 4 different multiplayer platforms running on a single system. Have we ever seen anything attempted like this before? The Halo games that featured online multiplayer

Do you ever play Nintendo games?