hey, friend

Those are entirely different groups of people, though. One doesn't justify the other. You're using the exact same logic that put Japanese families in concentration camps in the first place. It's like pointing to 9/11 to justify Trump's muslim ban. Don't forget that the US government encouraged them to enlist in the

also works

Yeah, those are known as TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists). They suck.


Name 3 people Hillary Clinton sexually assaulted.

Yep! 'Cuz that's definitely the only place trans people exist!

He likes exposing himself to coworkers. All in good fun.

Apparently John Barrowman is pretty sexually inappropriate irl, too.

The poor bastard!

I liked the dorky, ginger kid until he turned into Ed Sheeran

Holy crap, are you from Melrose?
I didn't realise anyone was from Melrose!