Korea Miéville

Meh I will stick with Tex Avery and Droopy Dog

Maybe it’s because I’m based in the UK, but I can’t think of anyone that I know who thinks Mickey Mouse is anything but a slightly annoying (and rarely seen) Disney character, and the only time I’ve ever liked the character was his appearance in Fantasia.

Oh, it's been long overdue for Tigger to receive his comeuppance. He knows what he did...

This is mine:

As an adult with little time to play, Gamepass could hardly new less interesting. I get to play 3-4 games a year (been playing the first playthrough of Elden Ring most of this year) and getting the perfect game for me there matters a lot more than quantity.

for all you scream queens —> “scream queens” does not mean “horror fans”

... Huh. I’m both interested and confused in equal measure.

proved to be an affable host charming his way —> proved to be an affable host, charming his way


Welcome to Clickbait(tm)! The game where we try to get you to click on stories that aren’t terribly interesting by intentionally misreading them, and putting that misreading in the title!


AV Club

Like I said a couple days ago in another article about this game.  Right Wing Propaganda.  I think it’s time to start calling this game by what it is.  Right Wing Propaganda: Modern Warfare 2.

You know full well what they were doing with that headline.

Makes sense. Spies have to be able to sneak into places, and who better than someone who can walk through a keyhole. 


“The former child star is coming off of something of a career renaissance”

RoP gets the edge in two ways: One, I actually care about some of the characters, and two, it’s pretty to look at. Lots of bright colors and neat visual design.

I saw Watchmen, it was great.

Hey, an Old here, why is “Hey Kids, Spelling is Fun,” controversial?