Korea Miéville

I don’t imagine it’s Eichner’s favorite explanation for the movie underperforming, but even as someone who likes him and finds him funny, I mainly know him from Parks and Rec and Billy on the Street, where his persona is super abrasive, confrontational, and annoying. So I had zero interest in seeing him as a lead in a

200+ comments about Avatar’s cultural insignificance. Love it!

“May the Force be with you and shit.”


Misspelling show creators’ names is…unweis.

Wait...that’s not their actual objective?

These scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

I don’t see a director attached to 4 yet, but I’m only interested if Michael Bay is on board. I don’t see the point of another one of these if they’re not going to go insanely over the top. Bad Boys II was an absolute masterpiece of trash cinema, basically the splatterpunk of vapid buddy cop flicks. Bad Boys for Life

I think a few things might be trimmed or revised today—like the scenes with the gay dancers, which were weak gags anyway—but Blazing Saddles has actually aged really well. If anything, it’s red state conservatives who would be outraged by the movie. I haven’t seen anything since that’s been as savage in its contempt

I thought maybe his thinking re: the gun was that a revolver would be more reliable (no chance of jamming at the wrong moment), and he was unlikely to need more than a few bullets anyway. 

Please...the A.V. Club is already in a death spiral...don’t send Logan over there.

Same. TV is my main leisure activity, and I still can’t begin to keep up with everything I want to see. I’ve missed most of Boba Fett, and haven’t seen Falcon, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, What If, Picard, two seasons of Discovery, the recent Lower Decks season, or Prodigy. Not to mention non Star Wars/Trek/MCU stuff like

I haven’t seen this episode yet, but Ms. Marvel is the first MCU show I’ve seen where the non-superhero parts are compelling enough to make the supe stuff seem generic and dull by comparison, so this tracks. 

JarJar Rancor

I went from “I absolutely do not want a second season of Kenobi” to “yeah, okay, bring it on.”


I don’t need another season of Obi-Wan at all, but I did find Vader an intriguing character and would totally be up for a Vader limited series. I haven’t seen the animated shows or read the comics, so I don’t know how much of this is explored elsewhere, but the glimpses and hints we get of the repercussions of his

If you like Man on Fire, I think there’s at least a decent chance that you’ll enjoy the Equalizer movies as well (if not more so). For me, Man on Fire still holds up, but boy is it overwrought. The first Equalizer is admittedly pretty unsubtle—the bad guys are comically evil, the good guys angelic—but Denzel is Denzel

Nice! I just rewatched Man on Fire yesterday and constructed this whole headcanon fantasy where Creasy <spoiler>doesn’t die and</spoiler> eventually becomes the Equalizer.