
But you better get me some ##@%%$% raman noodles! I needs my soups!

I think his fave part is boobies

And its on at 8pm. Why isn't there some warning there will be soft core sex and blurred boobies?

oh yes they should plan and perform a musical

Day two —watch the baby vet tech and chilli farmer singer do it in the hayloft in night vision cameras.And she licks limes off his skin gag gag

I think they should add zombies.

F means you can tune in to hate watch the show and then come on here and read all the fun hate comments. Like The Following!!

I bet you also love all the Kardashians and Jersey SHore

it has none of the above

I think I will hate watch it too ..missing the Following

I only watched it because Malkovich is in it. Why would blackbeard be bald and have no beard? I agree… it is like he is in a totally different show than everyone else.Weird indeed.


Stephen Fry should be the real PM

theres no time!

both Hulu and Netflix say that about british shows even though they had nothing to do with producing the show

Watching Season Two. I think it is a cute show but the pervert drunk friend shouldnt be in the show. He isnt funny or quirky he just seems like a pedo rapist and who would let that hang around a nursing home?

HI MOM! lol

I fell asleep watching it I hope emma got killed!!!!!! Joes now going to fixate on bears

at least Vikings is a good show

oh the pictures you are creating in my head