
yes a cult that stabs people dressed as bears

But it is a horrible show Rich. We in here are hate /watching it

I thought Sonia had maybe gone off the deep end. This week's was utterly craptastic. I think James peed on the rug too

and Joe always looks constipated

Just watched on HULU. Hilareous as usual. Ryan follows the van!! Tosses his phone! OH no. ANd the van doesnt notice him following them for like 30 minutes. And the security guard dies in 3 seconds. And they glued MASKS on 30 kids faces HAHAHAHAHA. That was horribly dumb. I like James as an actor but he is not very

Where can I see Hannibal online? I cannot find it on Hulu Plus or Netflix (no cable)

the whole show is a hokey parody

Ask everyone WHERES JOE???

and everyone waits around to get stabbed!! LOL.

I think they need to bring in James Purefoys sword from that gladiator movie he was in. Joe will start using that and then give the followers the same killing tools they use on Vikings. And they can behead people and collect the heads and make a head tower

stab stab splorch splurch

James is smart Kevin is too why are they in this show??

Or go to a hospital and stab all the newborns!! Wait I might be giving the writers some ideas. Or stab kittens. stab stab stab. Oh wait they did kill one cat. That was entertainment!!!Stab some puppies!

And they should start raiding and stabbing up places like daycares and elementary schools and churches to get more viewers!! (kidding of course—they probably will though)

Next week on Fox more Shitty and Truly Vile Television!! Joe and his band of merry psychos are going to become cannibals and open a restaurant. All the employees wear red. THe FBI eats there not noticing anything different and they all get stabbed and eaten. TA DAAA

I was hoping they would make out

someone would have to suffer through re-watching and count

yes it was F Plus

Well this is just a TV show they aren't really his parents

Bakery slaughter and Ryan and whoever just stand around like the bodies are furniture,How can the extras not laugh hysterically? FBi always complete idiots in every episode.Terrible dialogue. I hope all the dead people come back as zombies and kill Joe Carrol and everyone at Corbin land and Lily and her spawn. Then it