I think she’s referring to the bagel guy, though.
I think she’s referring to the bagel guy, though.
Aw man, I have seen enough Tom Cruise movies to picture exactly how he’d deliver that statement and the icy glare that would accompany it and it would be worse than the screaming for me.
I was supposed to have a wedding in March 2021, and for a while (over summer mostly) I kept thinking “well, if people don’t want to travel or attend, I completely understand, it is their choice.” But as the date crept closer and things only got worse, I increasingly grew uncomfortable with the ethics of holding a…
Damn. I’d never seen the short guy rant before, and I’m a little surprised he didn’t come back with a gun. That’s some extreme anger.
If anyone hasn’t yet heard of Texas Monthly, it is hands-down one of the best sources for fascinating longform stories. They’re written incredibly well, to the point where I find myself clicking on stories that I normally don’t care about at all and am entirely sucked in. Some personal favorites in case you have some…
Yup. Lost production time = lost money. Cruise doesn’t give a shit about people’s health or people losing their jobs when Scientology has forced thousands into poverty. I can’t believe people are giving this asshole a pass.
The people attending these weddings...family members or not...are just as much to blame, IMO. And I hate to say this but I’ve attended a lot of weddings in my long life and have yet to meet a groom who would not have preferred to elope...just saying. Am sure it is not a hard rule, especially in the era of selfies etc..…
I am here all day long for this kind of analysis.
Yep. That's exactly what I thought about when I read this: the infamous flipping off picture that she posted after it all came out. Fuck this broad.
No, no no no no NO!
Fuck that entitled piece of extreme white privilege shit. Rewind to when she was gloating about never going to class, insinuating that she knew her parents bribed her way in even though she said she never wanted to go in the first place since she’s a self-proclaimed “celebrity influencer”.
Oh but she…
You were there?! Tell us more of what really happened!
BEST case scenario is she was drunk.
I don’t know what California parole boards are like, but parole boards in general are pretty strict about ever recommending parole. Parole is just not something that is granted cavalierly. So my guess is that this is not about a person who was locked up in her 20s, for a murder she committed when she was 19, and who…
Yeah, I’m not sure being a “secret coward” is any better than just being a coward.
Lost in the kerfuffle is the fact that OAN’s Chanel Rion accidentally asked the most cogent question in the history of the One America News Network; why hasn’t the FBI been asked to investigate the vast and intricate conspiracy they believe has stolen the election?
After watching this trailer, I’ve realized that I will 100% watch Dan Levy in absolutely anything.
Stacey Abrams for head of Biden’s DOJ Civil Rights Division or as the Commissioner of the FEC.
“..but this guy was apparently enforcing a law designed to stop animal abuse..”