Team Mitch over here.
Team Mitch over here.
I never really liked Cuomo as a host before but I really do enjoy this post-COVID infection version of Cuomo who has absolutely no fucks to give and doesn’t really both sides it any more.
Meeeeh, you’d be surprised. I know more than a few people who pay like, no attention to politics until it’s voting time. They just live in their little Pandora/Netflix bubbles and cruise the net looking at cat pics. They’ll have heard a soundbite here or there, but an uncensored, hour and a half long rant? That had to…
He’s rapidly approaching melt down. I’m starting to think he might eat a bullet rather than face defeat.
Republicans will never forgive America for electing a black president. And they’re going to burn the country to the ground in response.
Hope the Proud Boys know that Smith and Wesson and Glock will sell a weapon to anyone, even a black man with extensive training. Think I’m kidding, try to intimidate me at the polls. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to vote and if you try anything stupid, I will defend myself and my fellow citizens.
I’m so done with politics. I’m voting, but everything -- from the politicians, to CNN and MSNBC. What a sad place we’re in. I literally muted my TV and put my head down. During a debate where we were supposed hear the candidates’ vision for the future. We got nowhere near that.
He then followed up the stand by order with a call to his nazi vigilante militia groups to terrorize citizens at the polls. We are beyond fascism now. This despot is happy to see cities burns to stay in office.
What happened to Ellen? Her ass used to be beautiful!
Bullshit. Millions of people deal with more stressful jobs every day that matter a hell of a lot more than her and pay a hell of a lot less. No one says she needs to do it with a smile on her face but she sure as shit needs to treat people with respect.
Fuck Ellen DeGeneres and her privileged life. While the rest of us are fighting for our literal survival in this hellscape of a country run by the criminal GOP and an election that we are terrified about she is busy laughing in our faces.
Maybe this is why “be kind” is something you do, not something you claim yourself to be.
Her ‘apology’ also included ‘if,’ which cancels out the whole damn thing. “IF” I offended anyone. Ugh. I know people who work(ed) there and they’ve been saying this same thing for over a decade. I started getting turned off by her mean-spirited scare ‘pranks.’
they can simply stop showing up. without a quorum, the senate can’t act on anything.
I know nothing about anything, but the NYTimes says this:
Yeah if the Dems don’t refuse to seat anyone using the same argument the Republicans did then they don’t deserve to be in power. No high road bullshit this time.
Yeah, the cheerleading thing made my eyes roll so hard I hurt myself.
There was no agreement between Trump and Woodward, according to Woodward.
I have to write this down before I forget.
Maybe OAN will start an airline for her.