
I have 2 dogs, one is an Aussie and my sweet boy, I adore him. He’s loyal, loving, sweet and barely acts out but very shy. The second dog is loving, playful and happy to make friends with everyone and... I don’t like her. She’s my dad’s dog and she just annoys and frustrates me. Constantly trying to kiss me (I HATE

See, my wife was hoping for a more affectionate cat than ours when she got her. She’s a beautiful bitch unfortunately (the cat, not my wife).

We live in an apartment and Peanut once slipped out the door as a kitten and was taken in by a next door neighbor. I was in the hall being hysterical, heard his tiny meow, and she opened the door and he scampered out. She was glad to return him but longed to keep him too! Don’t blame her a bit.

Smug bitchiness, huh?

Well you named him Prince, he probably couldn’t help but end up somewhat standoffish.

Yeah, zero sympathy. I’m a Canadian with a work visa who is actually stuck the US due to not being willing to risk the mood of the border patrol officers on the given day I attempt to cross back into the US to do my job. I haven’t seen my family since Christmas and it’s up in there air on whether I’ll be able to

I honestly didn’t know Canadians were aware of the “T” word. Congrats :)

Smudging is a closed practice sacred to Native Americans. White women need to keep their hands off that one.

Since January 2017 I’ve been thinking that we need a good sage ceremony around the White House once this band of malevolent bags of pus have left. I’m not even that New Age-y, but I truly think a good smudge ceremony, with hundreds of people circling the WH, is necessary to clear out the evil.

But nobody cries.

I hope I’m still alive for the low-budget mini-series that will definitely come from all of this. I think in 20 years or so my anger will be manageable enough to want to watch these clowns. For like 3 episodes, tops.

Is this like Marley and Me and Melania dies at the end

But sure, let’s skip over the tweets and explanations about the actual cultural festival Adele was celebrating, in her own country, with neighbours and friends of colour who are fine with her outfit, and focus on the American point of view.

She grew up in Tottenham, she LIVES UK/Jamaican relations in the most diverse but least segregated capital in the world.

Adele isn’t american, the carnival isn’t in America either. Carnival is for all races, and all creeds. Everyone wears any style they like, you never know what a costume is going to represent : African, Indian, European. So calling”Cultural Appropriation” on Adele’s style of dress for carnival is just ignorant. Your

And why in all of that time afforded him why wasn’t a security person involved in removing him from such a threatening-and considering the covid possible infection-position? Oh, I know! Its because it was a Black Woman he was screaming at-and spittle a flying too, no doubt! into the face of-that’s it! And she just

I would start fucking around with him and scream like a preacher. YOU WILL NOW GO TO HELL FOR YOUR SINS IN WALMART! YOUR BEHAVIOR HERE WILL CONDEMNED YOU TO AN ETERNITY IN HELL! lol

Some serious movie magic performed on those two for their 15 minutes.

The McCloskey’s are, essentially, every voting member of my nuclear and extended family. I’m the liberal outcast my parents barely speak to because I voted for Hillary and Obama. Truly pains me to say it, but the vast majority of my fellow whites either are exactly like these people/my fam, or are quietly sympathetic

It is amazing to me that no matter how heinous and obvious a crime, there will always be people who insist the perp is innocent because “yeah but yeah but yeah but...”