
You’re assuming though that this is only going on in social media. If a kid’s threatening to seek emancipation online, I doubt things are hunkydory between them at home. My guess is things have been escalating both online and offline all summer long until they reached a crisis point and that that forced both parents’

you’re assuming they have hearts. She’s been doing this for a while and only now, a few months before the election and on day 1 of the RNC, Kellyanne suddenly finds her conscience? Bullshit.

That’s gracious of you. I’m not sure I agree, because her decision to leave wasn’t proactive, but reactive.

Counterpoint: her public persona lines up with the type of people who believe they own their children, and will do the extra dramatic thing to “show you what you’ve made me do”.

I think you’re looking a little too much into this tweet. AOC is the face of the young, progressive wing of the party. Claudia probably admires her. This is a perfectly NORMAL tweet for a 15 year old. Sheesh, y'all. 

None of any of this is going to end well.

The RNC has no actual agenda beyond dragging America down into the swamp.

I, too, find it’s easier to make my deadlines when staff aren’t allowed to make eye contact with me.

Okay, she gave a polite ‘non-answer-that-wasn’t-dismissive’ on the topic of an ex. That’s what you call being diplomatic. Hopefully no reporter will ever ask YOU questions about the current goings on of someone you dated 20+ years ago.

I doubt this is Heche’s mental illness on display. It’s much more likely a non-disparagement clause DeGeneres made her sign when they broke up. I’m sure she was repeatedly blinking “Ellen is so mean” in morse code throughout the interview, but the interviewer was too busy scribbling down her haiku-style aphorisms and

I think bringing up her mental health at all in this context is disenfranchising her. A convoluted metaphor is something that can happen to anyone who is trying to make a question they don’t want to answer go away. 

But by pointing it out you further stigmatize mental illness. It’s a way of saying that once you are known to have a mental illness of any kind, everything you say will be filtered through it, no matter what. When I see Heche’s comments, it’s not ‘whoa she said something not normal, clearly her mental health problems

I guess you should ask PreparationHeche.

This is either Anne Heche high on drugs or desperately trying not to point out that Ellen has always been a shitty person who has comfortably hid her shittiness under a veneer of white lesbian pleasantries for decades now.

And when Ellen looked down, there was only one set of footprints.

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

I, too, enjoy loosely following Claudia’s antics on Tiktok and Twitter. It is pretty funny most of the time to see her 1: directly challenging her parents’ ignorant beliefs (and listen, I know we are all Team George right now bc he’s anti Trump, but George Conway has some seriously problematic, backward ass views like

I think if you take politics out of it (which is hard to do with these people, I get it) my guess is that George and KellyAnne are equally narcissistic themselves, and both crave attention and power regardless of the medium. George was a “short-list” candidate for Solicitor General under Trump but now he’s gone and fou


Amen! Now it also seems like not only is it your special perfect day, but everyone there should be grateful and deliriously happy for being able to attend.