dont care about you - go away
dont care about you - go away
rashad delhim - muslim ......................figures
you are the same girl that was being racist before. tall blond or something - just give it up girl
ugly blonde chubby racist
Twitter Facebook and eamil
Tiny white girl speaks for all black people and makes her feel proud even though she don’t do shit. Somethings never change
I don’t care who it is buy I don’t think that prejudice is art its racists
Ivy leagues are racist and just pretending to help out minorities when there usually the biggest racists of all - jokes on us yet again
Sure ok I’m sorry for being mad - how can I make you feel better white
Nope it isnt. It is MY RIGHT to get rid of it and it is racism plain and simple
I’m saying Yale mistreated him and made him a slave just like the window through low low wages for dishwashing. THAT is what I’m saying
I’m saying he was poor or why be a dishwasher this isnt rocket science. They just wanna say he’s bad for not taking the racism and being happy
Shut up white boy
Sure seems like you don’t care about it and that your a white man, Lex
You whites always get so uncomfortable about your own racsim
I’m black and you aren’t you’re lying and a paid tHillary campaigner
Thanks for your white opinion white man
Thanks white boy I am black
You are a white man and I am not and this guy was a dishwasher and a black man and a victim of racism - something you don’ tcare about
You said a dishwasher probaly wasn’t more poor than most. And it is my opinion that you said that because you don’t care about poor people even if there black. victims of Ivy League Racism. Another day though who cares you white people never change your all racists