El Rocko

My only Rally experience was a WRC race in Argentina in 2008. We woke early, drove to the stage, walked two miles to a decent viewing point. It was pouring rain and about 45 degrees. The crowds were simply massive. the cars were so damn loud and the fans were so damn drunk, at 9 AM. It was so damn awesome.

What’s up with that vestigial rear bumper interfering with this thing’s awesomeness in these photos?

Because people that drive with a .228 BAC have loads of money and huge insurance policies

In 2010 my super conservative (with money) wife says: “Let’s buy an old car.” I fire up the local Craigslist and there she is: a 1974 BMW 2002 for $4200. A few days later I was driving around with a massive grin as the little engine roared through its five speeds all around town. It was a fun six year run with only

I have just the one for you. Going up for sale this weekend! $4500.

solid advice, yet a part of me wonders whether or not to trust someone who drives a $40-60k truck and opts to build an igloo as the night’s accommodations

my thoughts exactly

In Arizona there is a law that you must have at least one non-functioning vehicle in your driveway or back yard at all times, preferably on jack-stands. You get a tax credit of $500/year if you have an engine laying on the ground surrounded by weeds. Also, you can save up to 40% on your property taxes if there is a

I have a 2010 - it is wonderful to drive and it absolutely loves being offroad. I had a Tacoma 4x4 TRD before and while they could probably both conquer the same obstacles, the LR4 does it without even trying. It has enormous cargo space - at the cost of rear seat leg room. Also, it’s really not as big as it looks:

I can’t handle all of these damn winter/snow/snow tire/ Jalopnik posts today. Is this a storm or some kind a meta infection of the brain plaguing the east coast forcing everyone to only think about It and It alone?

$50K now!

From a road trip I took last year

“This place has everything!”

I’d keep going too if they’d ever finish the damn road

“There are lots of things on which you could spend $49,990. This is one of them.” - Winner

He’s not alone, many people have no UM and high deductible health insurance or none at all.

If he purchased uninsured motorist protection (assuming he owns a car and has it insured) then his own insurance would pay for his medical bills. Or.... his health insurance would pay for it. I’m going to go out on a limb and say this guy has neither.

Dealers must be very excited to get this in their showroom. Fat margins and no more dead weight Titans. A local dealership has one in their showroom filled with donated toys. It’s probably the same one they used last year.