
How to find a local black hole- Just look for what sucks the most-

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Most movies are best viewed as a sign of the times they were made. In that respect and totally on its own I’ve always seen Superman ‘78 as a power house. Kal-El’s duality. Lex Luthor’s pompous attitude toward everything. Otis’s ...well everything, even as simple of a character as he was. Otisburg? ALL the humor by

1. Say what you want about the movie but Christopher Reeve is still the best Superman:

Great to see the hobby hit Jalop Prime. Now I have an excuse to show off my work!

Now playing

He was also fantastic in a small part as psychiatrist Buchanovsky in Citizen X.

G+ was a great time killer for me. I got some things featured, amassed thousands of followers (I know that’s nothing to brag about, just more fun for me) and learned to play the whole platform like a piano.

How long before we get the picture of a sea turtle with a tiny glowing lightsaber up its nose?

Gizmodo: Plastics are ruining the Earth! Microplastics everywhere!!

Came to say this.

I have had cognitive problems and found that occasionally taking CoQ10 has been helpful for that and with general energy. It is supposed to help with recovery from chemo brain as well.

I am nine years out and my chemo brain is still here. My taste is better but I still have trouble using silverware or metal tumblers. The metal taste is there occasionally. I still have trouble concentrating. I remember how I was before and it is frustrating. I am happy I survived but I miss the sharpness I used to

It can be hard to explain it to people some days as I can do enough things “normally” so looks like no problem, but knowing how my brain worked before versus after chemo(had 17 rounds and got 5 different agents in high doses so it f***ed me up good) it is very noticeable to me and people close to me. The biggest

Actually, the original versions of the Star Wars trilogy was released on DVD in early 2000's as a bonus disc for the special editions. I think they may have used the laserdisc transfers. I feel like most people overlooked them when they were released and Lucasfilm didn’t draw attention to it because they wanted to

Those are nice but check this. I framed the original laserdiscs. Not only is the classic cover art and photos beautiful and are/were dirt cheap on ebay but they are the ONLY released digital copies of the original theatrical cuts. With all the movie mistakes and og FX intact. Like the shot where Vader is pointing his