
I think they should skip to S3 - SF so we can find out what Puck is up to! He was the only cast member further immortalized by Clerks Animated Series.

The only thing that bothered me about this movie is that if everyone on earth is plugged into this game most of every day of their lives they would NEVER have time to amass all that pop culture knowledge. It comes from re watching things over and over, over a long period of time. But its a movie. So I enjoyed it for

Most movies are best viewed as a sign of the times they were made. In that respect and totally on its own I’ve always seen Superman ‘78 as a power house. Kal-El’s duality. Lex Luthor’s pompous attitude toward everything. Otis’s ...well everything, even as simple of a character as he was. Otisburg? ALL the humor by

G+ was a great time killer for me. I got some things featured, amassed thousands of followers (I know that’s nothing to brag about, just more fun for me) and learned to play the whole platform like a piano.

Ummm, now? It’s ok, “family safe”.

Now playing

Meg Ryan + Thanksgiving search in my head returns this scene in The Doors where Val Kilmer (Jim Morrison) after her pet duck that she sacrificed for Jim and Thanksgiving ends up on the floor and getting stomped by Kilmer as part of a lovers quarrel but still picked up and eaten by friends. At about 40 second mark.

If only there would be a SLC Punk 3 we might get to hear the Death Metal version! And yes SLC2 was not that great but I still liked it as a fan of SLC1.

Maybe they can get one on an upcoming Walking Dead episode. Those marketing geniuses. :) 

Not the only time Necco made the scene.

Why is it the only time anyone in the gov mentions UFO’s, and that’s all that ever happens is they just mention them and it only happens about once every 10-15 years, is when politically our country is at it’s absolute worst? It’s because they are pulling every last distraction card out of their ass.

Dang that’s an All Trac Tercel if Im reading the badge right eh. Regardless I don’t think it’d be comfortable to sleep on.

Brawndo has what plants crave.

If she wasn’t a millionaire before she is now. You know they will break up and when they do she gets HALF!

Forbidden Planet doesn’t rate??? That’s a huge time gap.


I made this gif last year. It did not exist but it must. So I made it.