
I have to respectfully disagree. While not the best effects in this movie, it does tell a solid story of a man abducted and how his life fell apart when he returned. Added to this was the guilt his friends/co-workers have at witnessing something unexplained (his abduction) and not be able to tell the story for fear of

I’m so fucking sick of people trashing Madonna. You don’t like her, fine whatever. But I don’t get why it’s ok to call her old, ugly, washed up, crazy, trying to hard...it’s MADONNA. She hasn’t changed who she is almost 40 years and she’s not going to. As women we should applaud her for not giving in to the constant

Whaaaa? People are insane if they think that. Its basically THE livery of the 90's for me. Toyota was on a roll and they used it in multiple motorsports on multiple cars. They all looked good. Bonus points for the Celica and Supra of that era being some of the best cars Toyota has ever built.

Heh, the other day some co-workers and I were talking about how the Castrol livery is one of the greatest liveries of all time. Castrol, Gulf, Alitalia and John Player Special are probably my favorites.

Amen to that.... now if only they brought the ST205 to the states - it would have saved me considerable time and money.

It was. But I didn’t have that gen. I had the uglier 4th generation celica.

the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said the drone got too close to the police helicopter, causing the officers onboard to “fear for their lives.”

I just got their titles

Causality loop? Kelsey Grammer? Where have I seen that befo—

I think i found it’s “landing anchor”,

Considering the demographics of looters, I don’t think a Nike shoe box will be a safe place to hide anything.

Wait... From my professional experience, maybe except when looking for a very specific target, house robbers will ransack the place, and a shoebox is one of the most obvious places, if for no other reason, because Nike’s tennis are a good piece to resell or use. And as soon as a criminal feels the weight of that box,

I was put off by the CGI as well, but I heard someone say that most of the ship’s animations/modeling was done two days before that teaser was released. I mean, if they were cutting it that close to their reveal, they should have just focused on getting a badass still shot instead. Even if this doesn’t represent the

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