
Furio Giunta: “In Napoli, a lot of people are not so happy for Columbus because he was from Genoa ... The north of Italy always had the money and the power. They punished the south since 100s of years. Even today, they put up their nose at us like we’re peasants. *Spits* I hate the North.” 

That’s all we do in North Dakota.

I did this a few years ago for a Strange Brew, Mutants of 2051 A.D. costume.

I use ad blocker extension with Chrome browser and it works great but this site bugs me about white listing.  

I’d be fine with this princess.

  • Matt Lauer said, “Men cook dinner night.”

Why don’t you auto allow comments? What is the point of pending when anyone can read pending comments? That’s just dumb. That’s the only thing Buzzfeed, Imgur, etc. has over these sites. And that the last comment is on top. Prompting people to keep commenting. There’s no point in commenting on an article when my

Most (all) of these posted cars are way over priced. Even if the engine is clean enough to eat off of. My 94 Celica GT 5 spd has over 200k miles but is fun to drive, totally rusted out, paint is gone and just this summer started leaking half gallon of coolant every 2 weeks. But I’m gonna try and keep it going till the

Did western society just crash through the sub basement floor of the seventh level of hell???

Crackin toast Gromit!

Now playing

I have also done some post stage karaoke. From Bugs Bunny.

Classic movie! Not just for Uther banging a naked Egrane in full plate armor.

Get a Life was a brilliant, classic and hilarious show!

I know a guy that has had a big diesel turbo on his built to the hilt Thunderbird turbo coupe 4 cylinder engine in a Mustang for a while. He drags it and does pretty well.

Yes. If they can laugh at the uncut version they are truly sentient and not PC robots.

Mike Rowe?

This reminds me of why people though Last Action Hero was a dumb movie. I thought LAH and Prometheus were great. But yeah. Run sideways from the wheel!

Looks like they are channeling old Robotech.