
Being a professional lonely guy is not easy with naturally beautiful women all over the place. Our society deems staring as creepy but it is just a natural reaction. And it’s totally understandable that it would upset a partner no matter which one it is doing the looking. But since I don’t have a partner I have

#8. I have left the ground in an american muscle car and here is a pic of it. Suspension makes a difference of course. I wouldn’t want to in anything made in the 60’s-70’s tho. 😊

If it was a notch back with White stripes or hand prints in paint. I have seen that car close up. It had a carbed 351W in it.

I have been using G+ for a year and a half. In that time I have managed to get over 30,000,000 views on my profile. I have 2 featured collections and a grand total of over 20,000 followers (with a bullet) .On facebook I am lucky if I get 1 like from my mom. My so called facebook friends (the ones that were actual real