not a pothead

it's crash override, dick.

Tom is a loser! he will never be as sexy as joe

if it isn't butt, i don't want to know

they were getting to a place where they could be really silly and have it work. I am pretty disappointed in the lack of patience.

what the fuck is the NHL?

i think you mean draft kings ads

technically but he's acting like he's not an asshole, which he definitely is.

my cat has been lounging on top of my PS4 and I think she has been trying to catch and eat the little bastards

the best sampler of all time

those fucking sons of bitches ruined my goddamned avatar. i will kill every alt right troll i meet in real life because of this

wehn i saw the trailer I thought "i'm going to get really stoned and see that movie" p sure Obama had the same.

is there anything that hasn't been slightly ruined by that prick?

st vincent is such a poseur

especially since they mentioned one of the hosts getting an infection earlier

as they should have/deserved to be considered

i sure am

isn't this like when you see a parent yelling at a kid in a restaurant and then they actually take them to the bathroom to spank them?

more like gerard depardont

pretty sure this can be debunked by thinking about it for slightly longer than 8 seconds

does this guy really think copying the way you did something in the past makes you a genius?