
Ok. But that photo is potatoes, not tomatoes.

Someone harvesting potatoes.

This is a photo of potatoes.

I love how when people say and do shitty things, they try and pivot over to “hey I did some great things in Haiti” or “let’s talk about gun control!”

Unpopular opinion, I know, but fuck rides. Once my claustrophobia bloomed in my late 20s it was all over for me.

This looks terrible.

“Don’t ask why I’m posting these. Just enjoy them.” I actually hate creepy paparazzi shots like this. I get that being famous invites people’s curiosity, but skulking around someone’s private house taking pictures of them on their porch is creepy.

Thank you!! Was hoping someone else came here to say this. Please, people, Google “origins of ‘Let them eat cake’” at the very least!

It’s always the ones that build up their story to the nth degree too — the dating photos, the dinner photos, the endless selfies — and then inevitably the meltdown, scorched earth, airing of dirty laundry.

These comments are disheartening, especially for a feminist commentariat. Why is everyone tearing down Emma Stone for being successful in her career? Isn’t that what we all want for ourselves? I have no feelings about her - she seems like a decent person. Is “hey, good for her” so hard to muster?

I’m inclined to agree, and I’ve waited tables for 20 years. Even if she straight-up didn’t tip, this is really petty. Save the outrage for when she doesn’t tip on a big check. I mean $5, come on. They are totally only doing this for social media attention.

Yes to all of this. I’ve waited tables for 20 years - writing “cash” is helpful for the server later, makes it clear that you’ve definitely tipped, and prevents bad apples from writing in a tip after you’re gone (unfortunately does happen - I’ve worked with plenty of unscrupulous and greedy people who are not above

I don’t think this comment was pointless or meandering at all. I think I’d probably curl up into a ball for a few years if my divorce was public gossip fodder. It’s sad when people break up, even if it’s the right thing. I hate how people forget that celebrities are human beings.

Yeah - I like Ana ok but I’m only a year older than her and I’m barely nailing down adult life myself. A memoir at this point seems really really premature

White woman here chiming in to agree on hating Chelsea Handler. She’s so impressed with herself and the sound of her own voice, and she can’t just stfu and listen. She’s the female equivalent of Bill Mahr.

None of my friends who are clinging to their youth while smoking shitloads of cigarettes and still blowing their paychecks on booze and the occasional coke binge need a lifestyle website for pointers.

Not even remotely a Justin Bieber fan (and in fact wanted to claw my eardrums out when a coworker of mine recently converted into a Belieber and played that “Sorry” song a million times), but I gotta say - I feel empathy for the guy. Spending two freaking years traveling from city to city and putting on the same

Right haha? Here’s me feeling bad for Sessions getting bullied...

I need to know the nine places mentioned in the penis question, please. For science research...