
After all, the power/grounding issues the NFL blames for the problem should and could not exist in an “all-digital system.”

Oh my gahd...I am swamped with nostalgia overload. The music is so freakin awesome, but when the Lucas Arts logo came up I totally had good flashbacks to the joy I would feel when you got the IRQs...autoexec.bats and configs set up right to launch the game and not have an exception or interrupt issue.

Thanks for taking the time for the write-up, very interesting.

Thin out your joint compound with a bit of water...it will be a lot less work to apply and will smooth much easier. Use super thin coats to build up to your satisfaction...try to minimize sanding. Remember you always obsess over tiny imperfections when nobody will notice them in the final result.

“Hey we’re journalists too! We’re not just hacks who blog other people’s stories and hard work for paychecks! Respect us please!”

This is the absolutely perfect response (scientifically speaking) given your previous posts. The content is great, but the all-caps really pushed it over the top. Well done.

Well, since none of it matters, guess I’ll stop wasting my time to converse in a meaningful way.

It’s pretty obvious that they’ve merged Jeyne into Sansa’s plotline.

I’m not sure what “She married Ramsey this season, not last season.” has to do with my point. You said she got “resolved” last season. How do you infer that? I’m saying she hasn’t taken an active role in anything to this point in the show.

Really, how did she evidence that? By following Littlefing along wherever he went, by marrying Ramsey against her wishes? Provide an example of her actively directing her future.

I wonder if it is related to the fact that until this point she has been a passive follower throughout the entire book/show. She has ridden the currents wherever they’ve taken her (obviously enduring much horror ). I thought the intent of the scene was tied to her facial expression where I thought I saw a “hardening

I didn’t like the scene either, but if Sansa comes in next week and lops (snicker-snack!) off the heads of Ramsey and Roose and takes her place as warrior queen of Winterfell, it will change the overall sense of the arc portrayed last night. People can judge whenever along that plot-continuum they want of course, but

$1080 under?