

You think the cop is getting off without charges? Blue lives don’t matter when they’re black, remember that.

I can’t wait to see how throws will look on him, some characters will probably go through his body like he’s made out of some sort of ecto-beef. I bought SFV and haven’t played it in over a year. Loving Tekken and the Geese reveal was amazing, wasn’t excited about Abigail though. I would love to see a Tekken x KOF.

Yes, exactly. Maybe it’s cause I’m prior service, maybe it’s cause I’m from a third world country, but you don’t let your buddy get mobbed up.

Someone else stated that maybe it’s due to there not being American MMA fighters in the Women’s division: Joanna’s Polish, Amanda and Cyborg are Brazilian. I’m sure that language may have something to do with it, but I do agree that they’re too focused on the “fit the mold” aspect. Chuck Liddell never really trash

She was built to murder Jin Kazama. WTF wouldn’t she have breasts? It’s like asking why a Terminator looks and talks like a person, it’s cause they’re infiltration units, and if you really want to get into the weeds with this: sexual arousal dampens reaction speeds, and when fighting a top notch fighter that can turn

I’m just glad they chose the box art for Mario 3, and not something like Mario is Missing. Whoever is operating these bunkers clearly has good judgment... at least when it comes to games.

You should just go “Sage Mode” and do that Wim Hof breathing/meditation technique and heal yourself.

I wouldn’t even say you need to learn frame data, visually, fighting games give pretty good clues as to what’s punishable, I’ve managed to figure it out. I agree that Tekken needs a tutorial, maybe GG is the shining example of one done right, but there are plenty of 3-5 minute “Tekken in a nutshell” videos on Youtube

Damn that was a real interview? I thought it was a skit.

I’m normally not a fan of long combos, except in KI and GG games cause the player is always “in it” due to the breaking / bursting mechanics and the mind games, but I’m actually okay with this: Chun Li burned meter and used her V-Trigger, so the player decided to blow all his resources and cash out on the damage,

I’m an ex-cop, I can try and explain what most current departments teach and why they do it, if you truly want to understand that is, with the following caveats: I’m not saying it’s right or wrong; I’ll leave that up to you.  
I quit being a police officer, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I’m not white, so I

When I used to be a cop, the training officers legit let me know that if I ever assisted in plain clothes while off-duty, there was a possibility I could get shot, I guess depending on who responded, I made a mental note of never assisting while off-duty, no more than maybe calling 911. Maybe I should do a youtube

Just came to make sure Castlevania was on this list.

I get what you’re saying, but I would definitely watch a Wu-Tang movie, even if it’s terrible.

I don’t think The Marquess of Queensberry would care, considering this happened in Kickboxing where spinning techniques are a legitimate and normal set of attacks, and the rules for boxing don’t allow for strikes with the back fist area. I don’t like Monster btw, I prefer coconut water (it’s an islander thing). Guy

Referee didn’t step in, bell didn’t sound, still a legal punch. Some fighters turn for back fists, some fighters even turn around to run away (Alistair comes to mind), so just cause the guy turned around doesn’t mean there’s some sort of pause in the fight. Now, his corner man on the other hand, committed assault and

They even added a Filipino character for Tekken 7. I always liked that the characters all speak their native languages, although everybody seems to understand each other somehow (the future?), also King speaks in growls and they seem to understand him.

I still think WayForward’s Double Dragon Neon was criminally underrated. I’d say, nostalgia goggles aside, Neon was easily top three DD games (with Advanced being #1, maybe two or Super being on par or better). IGN crapped out a review (inaccurate in some parts) and most people complained about it being too slow,