
In any case, pass the popcorn !

I said it before, and I’ll say it again. Every time Trump opens his mouth, he creates a new anti-Trump ad.

Pch! This ain’t nothin’ but an overpriced Cracka Barrel.

Now playing

Solsbury Hill can change anything into a rom com:

This makes me want to listen to Black Metal.

Yeah, she’ll need a bath. You don’t want Trump’s sloppy seconds.

That was pretty good, but he’s no Obama.

“The CPAC Haunting”

I hated Full House then, and I hate Fuller House today. Fuck Bob Saget.

This is the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen on TV. Imbecile Stacey Dash just got destroyed.

God Damn! Chris Rock is a fucking pro.

At least he made a perfect hole for the next pole vault. *sad trombone*

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Don’t forget that the sky is just a giant LCD screen:

Holy Lorem Ipsum!! Needs five more inches text to satisfy me.

Jesus was an alien.

2003 was the heyday of Oink’s Pink Palace and Crazy Mazey’s. *sigh* Those were the days.

I’m ready for any Roxette shade. I will fight.

Oh my god , you must roll over to show your belly every time you see law enforcement. What a way to live.

I wrap mine in a moist towel and hit it with a lot of sand.

He’s got that crazy-eyed Bennett look.