The article doesn’t say if this test took into account UVC rays’ effect on the virus
The article doesn’t say if this test took into account UVC rays’ effect on the virus
Rockets being bad for the environment?? What kind of claim is that? Almost all the by product of a rocket is water.
Todo yace en que el programa del F-35 se convertió en un chorizo del cual se aprovecharon muchas compañías. Eso es un abuso a los contribuyentes y al pueblo en mi opinión.
I've been googling the Blue Angel crash, but cannot find anything either.
You are not alone. There is this one guy, who rides this weird looking bicycle on which the rider sits leaning almost flat on their back. Anyways, he never waives back, and looks to people as if they were inferior. It's a pity some people are like that.
Glad I live in a small city.