
As a Brit, I found him pleasant, amusing and he’s either was a gearhead, or could fake it well enough that I didn’t care. The worst parts were his forced interactions with Evans, so without that, hopefully he, and the show will continue to improve.

Downside is, that’s mean our ‘ring would most likely be in Florida.


Little known secret: The government used the GM bail-out as cover to covertly move all Oldsmobile production to Area 51.

Did his wife ever find out?

I used my father’s ‘48 Mercury to get conceived.

Looks like a 10 year old SEMA build.

That sounds like a really

I guess chickenshits like you hate us triggerpullers the most.

Think of it this way, you are also partially responsible for saving the lives of people protected from the bad guys who were killed by that plane.

While this write-up is surely helpful, I’m pretty sure the official Apple iPhone7 manual will basically state their official stance on compatibility:

Spoil sport.

It looks like a rejected TRON prop.

List a BMW that hasn’t become far too large. Park a current 3 series next to an e38 7 series if you want to have a good laugh.

Like every other BMW!

Honestly, this should just happen. For most people a car is just an appliance. Might as well have your new Corolla delivered to your house for a fixed price.

Mmmm. Cateredham.

Fiat Customer Service: Our customers keep complaining about sun exposure while they wait for a tow truck on the side of the road. What should we do about this?

Ford Edge SEL - only totally misses three items, one of which is the name being a number. Pretty good, right?