
The one we rented in Italy last year sounded fantastic!

This was almost verbatim the comment I was going to make.

Coincidentally enough, I also have a TR6.

Look closely at the video... It really looks like there are no hands/arms in them.

in a subpar James Bond movie

Can someone tell me what is going on here?

You want crossovers? Cuz this is how you get crossovers.

These things came and went with as much fan-fare as a moth fart.

If there is a manual version... a true ///M, manual version; I will add it to my collection alongside my current one:

Now playing

I cant remember for certain if it was Hitchcock that created the dolly zoom in Vertigo, but he certainly perfected its use:

We got soooooo close to driving on this exact part of the Furka Pass, but they closed the various passes for the winter the day before we got there due to weather. The Gotthard Tunnel is less fun.

One of the longest, but it wasn’t that miserable, actually:

I mean, its super easy to get the height the drone was from the data. If it was under 400 ft., the drone pilot should post a screen shot.

It’s excommunication for him/her.

I went with the guys at 1 Factory Radio to put Bluetooth in the stock head unit of my ‘04 Discovery. Works pretty well, but the downside is you have to send in your own radio.

The $15 for shipping was a little excessive, but the impression all 83 minutes of Robin Hood left on me as a kid was too difficult to pass up. <shrug emoji>

Um, what a delightful looking little town. It looks like a train set.