
We humans in 1000 years will not be flying around the universe, we will be existing in a universe of our own making entirely. We will wear virtual reality like devices that are similar to contacts and we will never leave. Our bodies will be hooked up to machines while we are fed by a tube injecting us with soylent,

I only carry KA-Bar and Kershaw. All the Kershaw knives I have owned proved to be great knives. They are made in the US, hold up to heavy use, and retain an edge well. They are the only company Id trust the assisted opening feature. Great knives all around and don’t cost a fortune like some. Id trust my Ka-Bar more in

I shot my first deer when I was a teen using a .410 it was an 8pt buck. I ended up mixing a shot shell in with my slugs accidentally. The first shot was the slug and it hit the buck in the forehead and split the antlers down center of skull. 2nd shot was closer range and appeared to be a slug wound as well, but when

i agree w/ that completely and also think that a food dehydrator would be better than the microwave. It seems like even hang drying would be better, but there are more variables involved like how fast it is dried, where it is dried, whether it is exposed to light, etc.. And also in my experience keeping them in

I had been learning to program and one day I woke up w/ total paralysis in my right hand from my health probs, but luckily it came back fully after a couple weeks. I was worried about it reoccurring or becoming permenant and it interfering w/ my ability to program, but I can see how technologies like this could

Id rather smoke a blunt

regardless of what some may think these videos do not curb long term smoking habits. Even on their death beds many smokers are unable to kick the habit. Tobacco in cigarettes with all the chemicals that are present today causes an addiction on par with heroin but in many cases worse because it negatively affects the

cannabis does not do the harm or cause cancer like cigarettes, it cures cancer and helps clean the lungs. Cigarettes have chems in them that makes the smoke smooth and inhibits coughing, so tar and buildup settles in the lungs causing emphysema and other issues over time.


There is a way to fix all of our problems here on Earth as well as make it so humans can travel long distances. It would allow humans to exist on this planet using considerably less resources, but would involve sacrificing what makes us human. The technologies we have developed can help pave way to the creation of