Elon Musk

Dear God, let me just say it: I absolutely unexplainably for some reason just hate the living crap out of ‘90s Honda Civics. Every time I see one I immediately think of ricers.

Idiot tweens, when I was one I was stealing Lambos. They must have really low standards or think it was the Benefactor Panto from GTA Online. Typical.

But NHRA still won’t ban this car, would they? Only the Demon.

As a Florida resident I can confirm that this is a common thing, no need to write a whole article on it stuff like this only takes 30 seconds to present on News13 Central Florida. What a time to be alive.

Massive crack pipe.

Congrats guys, I try for COTD and get grayed out instead. I’m probably still grayed right now.

Why am I in the gray again??

Nice! Mitsubishi should learn a thing or two from him.

What thy fuck?

Me, maybe because I’m underage.

First off: damn I missed the original post originally. Oh well, I’m sounding off now.

Who needs music when u have the sweet sounds of that 575-horse V8? That’s music enough to my ears.

Hell to the no.

If you’re not joking: go die in a fucking hole, you aren’t a real car person and don’t belong on this website. If you are joking: good one my friend lmao

First they kill off their last performance car, the Lancer Evo only to make a new Eclipse that’s a fucking crossover spaceship and now they’re doing the same shit with the Evo? When will they learn that there are too many crossovers and that they only need one, which is the Outlander Sport? And on top of that,

Fuck Mitsubishi. They officially suck ass now, the world doesn’t need another goddamn Martian space shuttle-UFO-Alien vs. Predator-misshapen-melted blobfish-odd shaped fucking crossover. The galaxy doesn’t need one either, in case you were interested.

Fire up that biturbo and watch it burn back to hell.

THIS is obviously the real deal.


You mean it actually wasn’t a Mustang this time? 1000% sure??