
As teacher, an influential shaper of young minds, why would you forecast such bleak things..

My kids knew about the election, but there was no outburst like that. Don’t live vicariously through your kid.

The only way your kid knows he’s terrrible is you telling, projecting, or complaining to the kid. Unless you birthed a child prodigy, your kid only knows the details of the election through you.

Critical thinking, absolutely, but one-sided thinking as well, such as you have shown. What about people that thought through and didn’t want a Hillary presidency? If you’re going to claim a group of people are ignorant based solely on the fact that they voted for a candidate you didn’t like, then you’re no better

I think you obviously miss all the times when CNN gleefully has pointed out where Fox News is wrong (seriously, it’s usually third or fourth on their headlines when it happens). I would also tell you that to say it’s simply an “alt-right” issue is way oversimplifying things. I could make the same argument you made

In all fairness if people that voted for him are all about show than they would have voted for Hillary as she had the full support of the media and Hollywood.

Can you guys please get back to being a tech blog and stop whining about social issues?

Is EVERYONE at Gizmodo butt hurt about this election? Jesus Christ move on to something else.

Why is every Republican President automatically compared to Hitler? Bush was accused of war crimes and compared to Hitler for example.

All of that “Hillary is going to win” coupled with “Huge lines at the polls” and “Voting machines breaking down” is probably why Hillary lost. Who’s going to waste half their day if it’s a done deal? The media screwed it up themselves between the polls and the “landslide” bullshit.

He will probably do more than she would, sadly. She lost touch...or more accurately never had it.

“coordinated harassment the willful spread of misinformation”

You say birthright, as if I said that word.

Gizmodo, you and all of the mainstream media simply got it 100% wrong. You ignored a MASSIVE populous of people. That doesn’t include misogynists, xenophobes, or homophobes etc.

This isn’t possible. I keep reading on the Gizmodo family of media about how all of Trumps supporters are stupid, ignorant, racists hicks. Doesn’t seem like they’d be computer literate according to all of that - much less have the ability to coordinate “raids” of political taunting. Sorry - you can’t have it both ways.

What a sad pathetic article. Trumps a fascist? What about Hillary’s alleged pedophile inner exposed in Podesta’s emails by wikileaks?

Beware of false democrat prophets that lead you to believe you have more value and power than you are realistically worth. It leads to a lot of crying and sitting on the streets blocking traffic just so someone will give you a minute of attention.

Maybe write about Hilary’s troll army, many of whom work for Gawker site’s (oops, former Gawker sites)

You just killed that unborn kids chance at a future with yours.

Women’s bodies vs bodies of the infants is what the argument is.