
As a working middle class family whose premiums skyrocketed by 50% or more and coverage was significantly reduced when Obamacare was enforced, I have very little sympathy for those who leeched off a system that required others to pay for them. People need to earn their own personal benefits.

Not like you were going to be able to afford it:

Considering that he is specifically NOT the best candidate for the office, no.

This email scandal is one of the primary reasons I will NOT vote for HRC. I am a defense contractor and know the paperwork and the yearly training that is required to gain access to classified information. Proper handling of said information is drilled into your head from the moment you sign. Ignorance of the law is

Yeah, this looks very bad. They wouldn’t reopen a case on a maybe, or “if’s.” Clearly the FBI have discovered something that might be too important to let go, even for Hillary Clinton.

I’m not your buddy, and don’t try to tell me what to do.

Cause her bus just dumped a load of human waste in the street.

I thought you were referring to this:

So your an asshole for wanting all lives to matter?

A) YOU don’t get to decide who can do what with their money.
B) YOU don’t get to decide who can hold what political views.
YOU are not a majority shareholder in the company ergo YOU have NO say in this matter. Want to know what is propelling Trump’s support? It’s this kind of Lord of the Flies/Mob Rule attitude and is

How old are we again?

Is there a way to use my adblocking plugin to automatically hide all articles by J.K. Trotter and all of the other Gawker-ites who were dumped on Gizmodo?

I don’t support either but I find it hard to believe that ANYONE is still in support of a Clinton presidency. Leave Thiel alone, he’s free to support either candidate and his opinion on the matter shouldn’t effect his employment. Seriously, WTF?

How very fascist of you.

Jesus Christ, I thought Gawker was dead. And stllL THIS SHIT.

http://amazingribs.com is an excellent resource for smoking questions. I’d strongly recommend getting a chimney starter, and I’d avoid using lighter fluid at all. Do you have a digital thermometer/meat probe that you can monitor? I’d would not trust built in thermometers. They can be off by as much as 50 degrees.

http://amazingribs.com is an excellent resource for smoking questions. I’d strongly recommend getting a chimney

Others may come in and correct me, but here goes:

Others may come in and correct me, but here goes:

Counterpoint: you’re a sexist moron.

this is the dumbest take on this story possible