
If, on the other hand, a start-up reaches a viable profit and sustainable operation short sellers “take it in the shorts” so any opportunity to damage the potential of the subject should be exploited.

Considering that a non-running‘59 356 in my neighborhood recently sold for North of $100k this looks like a bargain. Perhaps it’ll never be priced at Porsche fever levels but it’s clearly more rare and arguably more beautiful.

Nevertheless I'm sure this Lancia is still as reliable as the day it first left the show room.

For those for whom $33k is "why not" money this car upstages anything new under $250,000 you can buy on the domestic market. You've all seen the tech billionaire in a hoody and sneakers escorted past elegantly attired plebes at 4 star establishments. This is what he drove up in. NP.

That was kilometers. Miles would be more like 95k.


NP if the buyer is willing to discount asking by the lein amount, otherwise CP just for principals.

I suspect that it’s less a case of courage and more one of lust.

We’ve had an ex-fleet ‘06 “Grand Viagra" in our household for over a decade. When my wife first brought it home I was underwhelmed. I'm now smitten with the little beast. Four sets of tires, one set of brakes and a pcv valve later and it still starts and runs flawlessly.

Jeez! That interior reminds me of the joke about the doctor who saved all the foreskins from the circumcisions he performed. He stitched them together to make a wallet that would expand into a suitcase when stroked correctly.

You may have put your finger on it there. I can see it now, obese 10 year olds rocking great grandad's xxl cutoff with button extenders.

While riding with my daughter who was a new driver, I saw a derilict on a bicycle slap the back fender and throw himself into the street behind us. My daughter stopped her car with a sunned look and I lept from the passenger seat and sprinted to the “patient” . I jumped landing astride and above his face bent down

My facts are in fact actual observations of real world conditions, technologies and metrics. Your narrow polemics appear to be little more than rehashed acedemic exercises and a myopic inability to recognize simple reality. I have to close for now so I have time to go for a ski in the fresh powder blanketing my

CNG = compressed natural gas. If you don’t “C” your “NG” it won't run down the pipe to your peakers...

Your chart is lovely but please don’t show it to PG&E since they are currently giving my organization an 80% reduction in power cost contingent on shifting our power usage to after 18:30 and before 12:00 during the three peak demand seasons.

Yes it is a pity and a shame that so much classroom time has left you abysmally ignorant of the real world dynamics of our energy infrastructure. My “degree” is bestowed by 30 years experience as both a journeyman and a manager on a broad variety of construction engineering projects including extensive experience in

You are completely mistaken about cng being the supplier of off peak electricity. In the industry these popular new natural gas turbines are referred to as peakers. Incidentally “the solar everybody likes to brag about” is most productive during those peak demand hours of afternoon.

As an industrial mechanic (millwright) I’m intricately aware of where electricity comes from, how petrochemicals are obtained and refined and the macro-economics of mass market energy distribution. ICE engines are limited to only two primary energy sources, fossil fuels and to a lesser degree, biomass. In my region we

Of course the problem is that the subset of people who are both heavy equipment operators and multilingual translators is exceedingly small.

I love these practical motorcycling judgementcalls.No weather protection, no crash protection and the fuel milage of a ten year old Hyundai. The ONLY reason to ride is asthetic.It could cost you your life. If it’s not life affirming and beautiful, for you, don’t do it.