I think you’ve put your finger on the real problem. Persecuted “illegals” are a massive source of compliant low wage workers. Solving this problem humanely or inhumanely would upset this profitable paradigm.
I think you’ve put your finger on the real problem. Persecuted “illegals” are a massive source of compliant low wage workers. Solving this problem humanely or inhumanely would upset this profitable paradigm.
This spake the angry child from his mother’s basement. Go back to your fantasy games and quit pretending to be the Kinja arbiter of IQ.
Your comment is deliciously ironic.
Another term for your brand of political piety is extremest. If you go back to the polling in 2016 you’ll find that Hispanic voters voted at lower rates than the previous 2 elections, (when Democrats won the Whitehouse). The current situation is the result of too many elements of the progressive coalition deciding the…
“A government exists to serve the needs of the people who fund it.”
As a special ungeunt to your tortured psyche, keep in mind that I put my money down five years ago when I purchased several thousand dollars worth of Tesla stock. In the likely event that yet another new car manufacturer fails to clear the bar to achieve profitability you can touch yourself and think about my…
You should take the opportunity to read the well documented story of John DeLorean’s life and times. That way when you comment you won’t seem so uninformed.
What tragic sense of personal inadequacy drives this compulsive anger of yours?
Faith isn’t required. Deductive logic will suffice.
All together nothing on the Model 3 begins to compare with some of the abysmal crap I’ve seen from virtually every other manufacturer at some point in my life. I still remember when Audi was the punchline in a Don Rickles one liner.
You’re dead on. Creating a functional electric car is child’s play compared with creating a new auto company.
He doesn’t have to sell that report. It’s already bought and paid for.
Likewise he’s not risking any lucrative accounts when he exaggerates the deficiencies he does find.
I sincerely wonder if Gramps was amongst those forced to ostracize John DeLorean. Perhaps his “jerk” assessment was just the rationalization for betrayal?
Reality is the best part. The interplay between hubristic genius and entrenched greed is fascinating. No doubt the Tesla is easily as flawed as the DMC in it’s own way. Conversely Munro knows where his bread is buttered.
If the DeLorean car is all you know of the work of John DeLorean it’s easy to see why you would assume he was inconsequential to the automotive industry.
The DeLorean saga is exemplary of this same routine. If you live in the ‘Big Three’ ecosystem you are openly advised to do no favor for disrupters.
No industry insider is going to risk alienating the giants of their own industry. The hyperbolic character of his assessment leads me to wonder how long he’s been familiar with mechanical engineering. I seriously doubt anything on the Tesla can hold a candle to the corporate atrocities of the ‘70s and 80s such as the…
Perhaps I can help. I own 2 HDs (2 BMWs and a Kawasaki). I think the majority of Harley owners are pretentious posers. The vast majority of their bikes don’t go, stop or turn very well in comparison to the offerings from other brands. In addition to HD I’ve owned and ridden Ducati, Triumph, BSA, BMW, Honda and…