
Actually the 36 other systems in use throughout the world that have better outcomes (lower death and disease rates) are not perfect either, just superior. The only metric where the US excels is cost.

It is abso-fucking-lutely appropriate. The seller himself mentioned the fact that his father was ill and consequently impoverished.

I’m just a brown eyed anglo but I ride a crotch rocket that is a Harley. To bad you can’t buy those anymore.

You only have to observe our president to know that the Russians have a wicked sense of humor.

I’m particularly thrilled to see the Mercedes Benz designed L series still in place. My ‘71 would reach 130 mph (radar certified, mercifully written as 70). It was bored out to 1800 cc and sported a Weber 45 dcoe with a freakish, pot luck cam. We hooned that car through my first marriage and 30+ Grateful Dead

You’re not alone. I live 30 miles up a one lane mountain road for a reason. Cliffs, livestock, rockslides and drifting snow are not as stressful as legions of lobotomized or psychotic drivers.

Erm. This “wildfire” is still burning 3 days later in a major city. The climate is really F’d up. Kinda like your comment, asshole.


I seem to have struck a nerve! Your first post only hinted at being from an impotent, road raging, wannabe traffic cop. Your homicidal reply definitively proves the fact. The only way your fantasies of vehicular manslaughter will be realized is when you’re fragile psyche finally implodes. But when that happens your

Or perhaps, the entire freeway will move more smoothly as fewer cars will be piloted by impotent, road raging tailgaters trying to prevent anyone from changing lanes.

I have significant experience working in the petrochemical industry. There are myriad applications for oil derived compounds beyond the fuels we’re accustomed to using including hydrogen technologies which have direct implications for alternative fuel development. Oil is a mature industry which will have a significant

Perhaps cutting their geopolitical leverage by giving the petro-economy a little shove into the dumpster of history would be a good start?

The “it” to which you refer is unspecified, so for the sake of discussion I’ll presume you’re contrasting electrical power grid vs. tanked or piped chemical energy. Every step of the pumping, transportation, refining and finally combustion to turn chemical energy into rotational force (which even then is subject to

The first analysis of whether small mobile combustion engines can generate energy more cleanly and efficiently than elaborate sophisticated centralized power generation facilities should be in the intrinsic logic of either model. Why do you suppose we have always generated electricity in centralized power stations and

Of course he is right comrade! And also the US is a distopian hell. Come to the post Socialist Utopia in the motherland soon.

Twitter sucks.

“It is well understood that” you are pulling your talking points out of your ass. China’s development of the full spectrum of alternative energy is the reason American solar and wind energy manufacturers are pressing for relief from the WTO. Yes their energy is dirty but it’s being converted more rapidly than any

Yet balancing those books would be stunningly simple if you could simply shift the $10,000,000,000 spent in the last twenty years on middle eastern oil wars from destruction to civil reconstruction.

Did you really imply that Bakersfield has insufficient energy infrastructure? Bakersfield? Have you been there? Have you seen the wind turbines and molten salt solar reactor power plants anchored to the grid in that region?