I suspect you live in a fantasy world. I can’t find a single SJW organization dedicated to free parking.
I suspect you live in a fantasy world. I can’t find a single SJW organization dedicated to free parking.
Guilt much?
No not really.
And you are entirely welcome to park your car overnight, at the curb, in that “poor” neighborhood, for free!
When I bought my first 944 it came with 3 different used up tires which resulted in evil handling. Since I blew my funds prepping the car for daily service I opted for a cheap set of Pep Boys radials. Those crappy tires would squall at the slightest loading which proved to be highly useful in discovering the unique…
I know I do...
Brilliantly argued!
Yeah, who’s going to want to spend $60k for a simple, rugged, reliable utility vehicle?
I suggest feeling about with your fingers.
I just made the first offer to buy one used!
How far under water is the screw on an electric submarine?
Let’s not disparage the buyers of the Bollinger. I live on a remote mountainside with a good PV/micro-hydro power system. This is the perfect rig for my 30 mile commute at low speed on 4wd trails and one lane roads. Never stopping for fuel again would save me money and time (which is more money) forever. I need enough…
Have actually done a cost/time comparison of the last 3 administrations?
Typical Drumph.
Exactly this!
Aside from Republican Congressional hearings?
It’s great to see such a treasure in the hands of someone who appreciates and understands what they have.
Does this principal extend to a defense of pedophilic pornography?