
As to Trump’s current and future assault on American democracy one need look no further than his own statements​ concerning two pillars laid out in The Constitution, the judiciary and the press. His all out opposition to elements of our constitutional republic that our founders intended to curtail the power of an

The Iran agreement removed all of the weapons grade uranium from Iran and opened the entire country up to meticulous inspection. The alternative methodology employed in Iraq, all out military strike, cost over $3,000,000,000,000 and more than three thousand American lives. Let me guess which event got you more turgid.

$3200 for a clean running GT NP. $1000 for the carcass of a dead Quatro? CP! My Garmin serves perfectly as a speedometer and the seller can bask in the pride of ownership of the rotting remains.

I’m not in the least mistaken. It’s obvious that Trump’s primary objective is the destruction of government.

You dismiss major world powers as insignificant? But of course you also disregard international crime syndicates​ who are financially entangled with your hero so I guess there’s some kind of warped equivalency in that.

The JCPOA is a perfectly transparent international treaty negotiated and monitored by the 6 leading world powers. One aspect of the treaty was release of Iranian assets previously seized by the US as leverage for future negotiation. Quid, pro and quo...

Onion Valley Road? Get me a map STAT!

An old friend of mine was sold a gorgeous black XJ12 by her wealthy boss for $1. He said it prevented him from wearing his cowboy hat while he drove. She reveled in power and luxury but soon came to regard the sleek black beauty™ as a white elephant. Repair costs exceeded $2k every year and she sold the car on after

Your screed is a little out of date since the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are partners with Trump on the Trump Towers Baku in Azerbaijan they may recieve most favored despot status like Putin did. Who hasn’t this crook sold out to?

Yeah, it’s one thing to lift 10,000 lbs and quite another another to travel over rough ground, start, stop or turn while carrying that load.

Either that or it may mean you willing to do something more than the others perhaps?

What exactly did the Russian hack reveal and what did Trump offer in return for that act of espionage? I had already detected the fact that Hillary was a politically ambitious tactitian with her eye on the white house as an ultimate goal. But then I could also see that Trump was a narcissistic megalomaniac with

Oh, they’re on the US side, barely and staffed by a profusion of the most junkyard of dogs.

I tried to find a decent one in the ‘90s but failed and had to settle for a Porsche.

I don’t know if they are but where would they go? I used to visit SD regularly in the’80s. We need to dispatch a Jalop ASAP to find out. Now, that would be a tremendous (way) down on the street feature.

Now playing

I think his close friend Vince McMahon probably taught him that within America was a deep well of stupidity, delusion and a lust for titillation. He is no more genuine or honest than pro wrestling.

Though front end loader a look big they conceal how much mass is actually there. My 980 was outfitted with a 12 yard bucket and massive counterweights​. The one in the photo has a 5 yard bucket and would weigh in under 70K. You don’t have much leverage if you don’t have much mass.

Pretending Trump is competent or honest at this point in time is not neutrality, it’s far right bias. To objectively evaluate any act of this ass-clown requires first presuming that any benefit to the nation would be coincidental to the primary objective of bankrupting the nation and walking away with the assets, kind

Apparently with the collusion of hostile foreign agents...

Absolutely! I love wrecking yards. Each car is a novel written in petty detritus or major devastation. Like particles​ from an accelerator wrecked cars reveal secrets of their structure you may never otherwise perceive. In National City near the border and Tijuana there’s a fantastic array of wrecking yards with