All one needs to do is examine what Putin has been doing for the last 16 years to determine whether he is a potential partner or a burgeoning adversary. His vision for emerging democracy?
All one needs to do is examine what Putin has been doing for the last 16 years to determine whether he is a potential partner or a burgeoning adversary. His vision for emerging democracy?
Are you talking about the person the majority of American voters preferred to lead our nation?
After yesterday’s press conference I think impeachment may be a face saving measure to avoid having the President carried away in a straight jacket.
I would like to point out that your father isn’t suffering the impact of litter. Climate disruption is real and is hitting those so provide our basic sustenance around the world. Your father’s financial losses are mankind’s nutritional loss. Crop failure is the primary driver of the refugee crises currently rocking…
Precisely this. I will persist in pointing out the real consequences of a Reality TV President to any jack-off who wants to pretend that it’s just a show.
I certainly didn’t intend to harm your self esteem. I just wanted to point out the comical absurdity of trying to draw an equivalency between littering and petrochemical spills or climate disruption.
My point precisely. When the subsidies benefit your own kind, the reasoning seems implicit but if it benefits the ‘other’ it’s an indulgence. Your disinterest in the well being of the dispossessed is in stark contrast with your in-depth concern for traditional agriculture. I totally agree with your perspective on…
I suspect when it’s all said and done Trump will have all the efficacy of a pockmarked tagger spray painting city Hall. The real power structure of The United States of America has been baked in since before 1776. When he’s become a sufficiently embarrassing liability he’ll be shaken off like water from a sheep dog.
Vlad, is that you?
When the entire planet is emperiled there is no where to look without seeing the reaction and perhaps, in due time, the results.
I won’t judge her...Unless she drives a 914.
That’s not a suit?
No question the 914 exuded cheapness but the combination of minimal weight combined with a flat six catapults a 914-6 beyond most others. The same configuration that made the NSX legendary serves to make the performance potential of a 914-6 something remarkable. Unfortunately for this seller this example is not ready…
With superior handling? Why yes it is!
Nobody here wants to see your fursuit.
Except for know, performance thing.
Sterling suggestion! I think the current generation of oil companies need the character building experience of giving up their billions of dollars of subsidies each year. I suppose though you might not support the same treatment for farmers, they being so much more tender and precious than common lazy poor people.
Thousands of people camping on open prairie are messy! Film at 11:00.
I’m sure Cheetolini is working on that right now.
You seem to want to trivialize the actual issue at hand here. Nobody in this article is asking for an extra quarter per hour or a Caribbean holiday. They’re trying to avoid being blinded by an avoidable industrial accident. The dipshit manager who’s cavalier attitude generated this complaint is a liability to Tesla…