
Whiny little bitch™

Whiny little bitch™

All that is required is evidence of criminal malfeasance and it’s Watergate all over again.

We have a representative form of government which by definition only serves with the consent of the governed. Trump thinks he’s been made King. That’s not a good fit for America. Demonstrations are just that, a demonstration of the denial of consent.

That must be a wonderful workplace, watch your back and don’t drop the soap.

Holey shit! What a strained metaphor. It’s evident from your writing that your belligerent philosophy is no more suited to child-rearing than it is to international diplomacy. It’s just this kind of arcane foggy thinking that appears to be at work in Washington today.

Is that you, Adalberto?

I’ve always defaulted to “ guns are the opposite of children...they should be heard and not seen”.

I don’t know. One day while I was at school they pulled the trailer out of the park and never told me where they’d gone.

Their business was very nearly decimated by a major Trump supporter. Is it possible that those Trump treats to his scorched earth policy develop a motivation to take the battle back to him?

Musk understands Trump’s style of governance. He grew up in apartheid South Africa. He has his eye on the long game and won’t confuse his ideals with politics. It would be gratifying to see him smack talk Cheetolini but he’s not about to sabotage his own initiatives.

Yes your right they are all intelligent and well informed. In that sense you guys are more like the Khmer Rouge than the Nazis. I can just feel your seething envy for the intellectual masters of the new economy. I’m sorry but your old brain dead factory jobs are not coming back. Instead I’ll be assembling robots and

Here we are again. You Hillary haters remind me of my old dog licking his ass. Your so deeply engrossed by that which is behind you that you’re oblivious to what’s happening around you.

From his reluctance to renounce the KKK to his all encompassing submission to Steve Bannon Trump has been telegraphing his white supremacists tendencies for years now. We can only pray that it was all a cynical ploy to manipulate ignorant red necks, but if you look at his trials for housing discrimination it seems

Oh no! You caught me in a lie! I actually have no friends. Your incisive logic has layed me bare. I now slink slowly away in shame.

That doesn’t help.

Caru especialty sports!!

My Polish, Hungarian and Czech friends all of whom are one generation on from the Holocaust are freaking the hell out. All are naturalized citizens and some of them are arming themselves. You believe what you want to believe, but a fascist is a fascist

In light of the inanity (rhymes with Hannity) of your previous statement I sought the clearest metaphor for anyone still under the thrall of Faux News propaganda.

Woke up to discover my Freudian slip, Trump has reportedly threatens to invade Mexico.