
Excellent (semi)longform report!


I too wonder. Is FF just too pathetic to garner the persistent criticism Tesla has been treated to?

To be honest image is probably priority one for over 90% of the riders out there. Our choices today are fantastic and every performance rung on the ladder has multiple offerings whether you want to go tuetonic, romantic or even patriotic (I believe the lights are on at EBR again). so no matter how or where you ride

By all performance metrics this is the most advanced bagger ever built, but yeah, it’s an eyesore. I withheld final judgement until I had seen it in the flesh, um... no, sorry.

This implies a distopian future where we’re all blinded and forced to rely on autonomous cars.

“What do you think the Multistrada line is all about?”


The most significant difference was that Pintos had a motor. Those little shitboxes were sweet drifters!

But those “lifetimes” were so brief.

With the Vega that mullet needs a bald spot and a snazzy polyester shirt!

Early Vegas were a natural home for a lightly built 350.

Precisely! A friend of mine bought a lovely ‘74 wagon for $500 in ‘78. Of course the motor was barely running and pumping blue oil smoke. When we proceeded to remove the 18,000 mile junk from the engine bay we discovered that this car was intended to be thrown away rather than repaired.

It doesn’t matter what cycle, it’s always Hertz.

Me so HAPPY!

Not so sure!

Sad but true. I’m no Harley Hater®, I have both a Buell Thunderbolt and a VRod StreetRod, but the XLCR was strictly a show dog.

Thanks for the heads up about the 550GT.

The lonely divorcee was acutely distracted by the tall muscular bag boy at the supermarket. As he headed with her to the parking lot carrying her groceries, she leaned on his shoulder and whispered in his ear “I have to let you know, I have an itchy pussy”.

I came here to post this one, well done!