
Thank you, I just had it stuffed.

Can we cast Reggie Bush as the new Nordberg, and David Ortiz as the new Reggie Jackson?

Van Alden wasn't "pulling up to drive Eli out of town", he was picking him up in Chicago (hence the establishing shot of Eli under the L Train)

Would have also been nice to see Casper too.

Southwest Airlines has a hub in Albuquerque. There's no first class on that airline, obviously, but they do have that business select option.

How does your review mention A-Skar but not Lindsay Lohan?

Go away

That was pretty disappointing for a penultimate Justified. There have been so many plotlines, multiple bad guys flipping from good to bad and back, etc., that the show has lost focus on Rayland as its core. I feel like he is just a bystander now.

Fingers. Ass. Pubic Play.

Also, I get like 10 shopping channels, wtf. I thought I would just get QVC/HSN, but I have a few jewelry specific ones, and a surprisingly interesting live auction channel. These is gonna be fun to watch when daddy is drunk!

Did anyone else flip over to find the home shopping channels after the episode ended? I did, and was shocked at how dead-on in awfulness the Jewelry channel is. I had no idea this channel existed. I felt like calling in and telling the duo hosting it to "seriously, kill yourselves".

Like last week's target (TSA), Home Shopping channels have been around quite some time. But both are fucking awful and we still put up with their ridiculousness. I'm sensing a theme for this season…