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    My backlog is finally down to about five games! (Hollow Knight, Alien: Isolation, OneShot, OwlBoy, and LISA - strange assortment, I know) I’ve been digging the hell out of Hollow Knight so far. Super fun metroidvania with tight controls and a cool aesthetic (everyone’s a bug!)

    Finally finished my Platinum trophy for Persona 5 after two complete playthroughs, and I gotta say it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to that game after all the awe it made me feel.

    I’m loving how all of the job-related posts have Persona 4 art as their featured image. Is it your way of saying you ARE the Investigation Team?! So, who’s Teddie?

    As far as I know it’s just the original. SE won’t work currently, and I’m almost certain the same goes for consoles.

    Well, my timing’s a little off. Just finished this yesterday! Definitely recommend it, even for people who didn’t like Skyrim. Unique psychological story and an interesting skill system.