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    RE: uniforms, I agree with most of this, but in my experience, it did take the edge off of class competition in middle school. There were definitely still class markers, but making everyone wear the same thing both took the focus off our clothes and made it easier to get away with having fewer clothes. I could also

    Post about basic guys on twitter . . . cue dudes in the comments sections bitching about basic girls. It’s almost as if this thing isn’t at all gendered. :D

    Yeah, I’ll never understand this point of view. First of all, most people work in college, so this person isn’t special. Second, it’s completely unethical that we loan 18-22 year-olds enough money that they can finance cost of living + tuition completely through loans, and then they’re stuck with 100k+ in debt for a BA

    I think it’s to create an idea in patients’ minds that isn’t already there. If a doctor offers a patient something to reverse their abortion, it projects an image that this is something normal — that women regularly have regrets and decide to reverse it.

    The French government owns Notre Dame. Some of the revenue will likely go to a nifty little fund for the needy called The French Government.

    Eh, I think the poverty rate in France is pretty low rn. The government handles that, so there’s not quite the same emergency situation there as in the US.

    LOL, you are not undervaluing it. Before this scandal, I thought of it as a day camp of sorts for affluent children aged 18-22. Like Pepperdine but without the religion. I didn’t realize it was such a prize to go there.

    Yeah, I found it really interesting, and the extreme minimalism strangely calming. I think for some of us crammed into smaller living spaces, with tough choices to make RE: stuff, the idea of big spaces with very little stuff is kind of appealing.  Say what you want about Kim Kardashian, she’s so much herself. 

    I honestly just see this as him knowing his audience. I think the kind of Jewish right-winger that would go to this might not object to someone saying Netanyahu was “his” Prime Minister.

    Yeah, I mean, this is such a strange case, but also so clearly self defense, even if it was pre-meditated. Her mother tortured and held her captive her entire life. She went through a crazy amount of unnecessary surgeries, she had to eat through a tube in her stomach, her teeth were rotting. She was 23 and still being

    I was six. It’s so crazy to learn about what was actually going on with stories like this: OJ trial, Lorena Bobitt, Central Park Five. As a kid, you get the rough strokes, and they’re often just completely incorrect. You’re a kid, but you think, surely the adults could have understood this better.  I guess not.

    I’m in almost your exact situation. I got married in October, when I was 30. I’m now 32, in very early days of pregnancy, and God willing, will have one later this year. I’ve been with my husband since we were 23, and wanted kids for years, but it’s so tough out here financially. I still don’t know how it’ll go, to be

    Oh shit, them’s fighting words! This isn’t Jezebel, son. 

    She either had to something to do with it, or there’s something else really wrong. There’s something off about her.

    This is probably derailing, but I don’t think Trump was referencing the Trail of Tears. Nothing so complicated. To him, Indians = trails, feathers, tee-pees, etc. Still really racist, obviously, but he’s not playing chess or even checkers. He’s a senile old dude working with a few busted neurons angrily bouncing off

    Yeah, it’s really fascinating. It also gives me hope that most people I know who weren’t vaccinated eventually got caught up on all their vaccines. They grow up, and want to visit travel, or work in health care. Or they just take a basic science class that touches on vaccines. So they get caught up.

    Yes, and stupid expensive too. Doctors have really strict limits on their time, because their time is such a limited resource in clinics. Often they have 15 minutes at most for a check-up. Two hours of a doctor’s time to explain vaccines is a major financial drain on any clinic.

    “Fuck my children’s safety, what about my feelings?” Fuck these people, to their core. Most Americans vaccinate their kids. A lot of them probably have worse experiences with doctors being condescending than this woman complaining in the article.  They still do it, *for their children.*

    The Catholic high school I attended in the early 2000’s had a Gay-Straight alliance and a few gay teachers. It was definitely on the more tolerant side of Catholic schools, but you’d also never see anti-gay language written into the conduct code of any Catholic school. It’s not how they operate.

    Christian fan fic! Haha, that’s so rude, but so funny. Yeah, I guess the Catholic Church really feels that way about them.