El Marinero

Their other stuff is really good tbf

Lamb I think.It could have been longpig for all the difference it made. It didn't even taste like curry, it was more like chemical waste.

I attempted the Guinness record holding hottest curry at Rupali's in Newcastle once. That went from amusing to terrible quite quickly. I'm told there was genuine debate among my friends as to whether they should have taken me to the hospital.
At one point, while desperately avoiding throwing up I answered the question

I'd help you out but I'm just your subconscious. I can't give you any new information.

I was just going to ask if this was the 'everyone has AIDS' one. You've cleared that up for me anyway

I like that he pointed out the ridiculousness of Kendall Jenner being there, but what the hell was Kendall bloody Jenner doing there?

'World' not 'country'

*pre-orders 6 copies because it's worth a shot*

What happened to then?

Maybe it is is, maybe it isn't

Emma Stone.

I'm not sure if I do remember Shinobi. Is that the one where you're a ninja with a dog?

Yes……that doesn't really answer my question. Do you want fries or not?

When is this happening?

"You taught me language and my your profit on it is I know how to curse $5.99

Must …….resist……AV Club…….meme

You may be doing that wrong, DH.

Worse. Celebrities are advertising products for free and pretending it's for money.

On third?

So….this crowd of Channing Tatum lookalikes? Is there a bus or train stop I need to get to that part of town or what?