I agree, clearly as I have a dog from one. I'm just pointing out that it's not free at all.
I agree, clearly as I have a dog from one. I'm just pointing out that it's not free at all.
I like Bounty but I hate that select-a-size with a seething passion: one sheet is too small and two sheets is too big. (I suspect a lot of market research went into doing that on purpose.)
No one is forcing you to do anything. Stop being a dramatic bitch.
The polite way is to gently cup them. (What?!)
I'm baffled by the forum. They all claim to be pissed if someone doesn't tip, but I've never even HEARD of tipping an uber driver before today, and I comment on all the valleywag posts about them.
What lights? It's a zebra crossing. Pedestrian has right of way once they're on the crossing.
Because some people are just special. The rules and common courtesy do not apply to these people and they can do anything they damn well please. These are the same people that refuse to turn off their cell phones before takeoff, talk during a movie, and drive BMWs.
According to United, he was two thousand and late.
Great tips. I had my dog microchipped as well.
"Bet you won't, pussy." -Dog
NFPA 70: aka, The National Electric Code, does not contain a requirement for the direction of the plug face. It is good practice to make all outlets ground conductor up.
Ummm, all airlines are required by law to do this. While some still take your credit card, you can still call up within 24 hours and cancel it. For free.
So wait - The car that is having problems while still covered under warranty is getting them fixed? AND the car is also getting other pro-active fixes done for parts that have been known to cause issues? AND the manufacturer is offering a loaner car? AND the owner of the car didn't have to deal with a dealer at any…
In Georgia, any car over 25 yrs old only requires a bill of sale and a valid driver's license.
yeah you're definitely nitpicking that's like saying daimler or benz didn't invent the first automobiles because cars have airbags, radios, computers, seat belts, why their cars wouldn't even be street legal today. Her notion sired the subsequent generations of radio transmissions. please put time periods and…