
As for bluetooth and iPod integration, I'm going to rip the stereo out of the car anyway, so I don't care whether they're options or standard or even available with the car itself.

WHAT!? This is MADNESS you speak of!

Yes, it was changed. When the article originally posted, the swastika was where the flying spaghetti monster is now.

I can't imagine that the bottle would specifically need to be empty. And at least class it up by using a vodka bottle!

Same problem for me. Merrick dog foods aren't in S&S. They're still a good $10 cheaper per bag through Amazon, though.

Due to the sheer number of Delta Air Lines flights at Atlanta, they say DIXIE for D to avoid confusion. "Delta" is even avoided by the train that moves passengers between concourses; it says "Concourse D, as in David"

The infographic also fails to account for things such as rent, utilities, labor, and opportunity cost. It doesn't cost $0.10 to make a cup of coffee at home. There's electricity and water involved, rent (i.e. the space the coffee machine (or whatever you use) takes up), and the cost of not being able to do something

Mom always uses a pastry blender and it works like a charm, while keeping your hands clean.

Looks a lot like igive.com, which works WITH Amazon Smile to increase the benefit to your charity.

Provided all of those inquiries are coded as for auto loan purposes. A dealership running your credit prior to a test drive may or may not be coded as such. You can ask, but they probably don't actually know how it will be coded.

Two years to drop off, but inquiries only ding your FICO score for one year (YMMV on FACOs).

How it works is this: You cram all the bags in the SpaceBin(tm), attach any vacuum cleaner hose to the special one-way valve, suck out all the air and VOILA! all those carryons now fit under the bed. IT'S AMAZING!!

I can prepare a mango even faster: just throw them out because they're disgusting. Takes me two seconds.

What I like about Zenni is the glasses are so cheap I don't really have to worry about damaging/destroying them. I go for the extra-pricey ones at $12.95, which is cheap enough if I mess them up I can just order another pair. As it stands, I order five pairs so one can live at work, one in the car, one in my

It's perfectly fine to buy a new car, provided your plan is to keep it until it dies. I bought my car new... 15 years ago. It gets me where I need to go and I maintain it properly. Having a new car every 2 or 3 years isn't important to me, so while I "took the hit" on depreciation, it hasn't mattered one bit.

If he admitted it, why is he a "suspected" serial arsonist?

The dogs aren't banned. The insurance companies don't say homeowners cannot have dogs of those breeds. They say if a dog of one of those breeds, which is owned by the insured, bites someone, the insurance company won't pay related claims.

Oh! That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me :-)

I'm not a jailbreaker myself, but I'm curious how an untethered jailbreak can only work on Windows. I would think that if you have to tether the iPhone to a Windows PC to jailbreak it, it isn't an untethered jailbreak.

Yes, you can go to the pharmacy without a membership. But, at least at the store I go to, there are different prices for members and non-members.